We took a mini-vacation to the Bay Area over Memorial Day weekend. We went to our first MLB game as a family. Actually, I think this was Giao's first time going to a MLB game.

It was a beautiful, sunny day in the city. AT&T park is pretty awesome.

We have several pictures where Langston is holding Kiefer's head still for a photo op.

Kids going on the slides at AT&T.

Once Kiefer spotted the cotton candy, we had to buy it for him.

Don't let the free caps fool you. We're actually Dodgers fans. I am from LA, afterall. I don't know why Giao is since he's from Sacramento but after the game, Giao and I were joking around saying "I guess we're Giants fans now." But, I think it's going to take more than one game and some free caps for that to happen.

We love it when we can see his eyebrows. Giao is always saying we should cut Kiefer's hair just so we can see his eyebrows.

Did I mention how much this kid loves cotton candy?

I regretted not hunting down the spicy mustard for this.

Being here brought back so many memories from my childhood. I remember the first time I had a Dodger dog and thinking it was the best hot dog I had ever tasted.

The next day, we headed to Doran Beach near Bodega Bay. Beautiful scenic drive going there. Kiefer loved seeing all the cows. He kept saying "Look more cows!" and if I didn't respond, he would get mad at me.

Daddy and Langston throwing around the football.

Much to Kiefer's delight, there were lots of ladybugs at the beach. Two landed right on Kiefer's shoulder. Isn't that a sign of good luck or something?

We met up with some friends.

After dinner we headed to the store to pick up some treats. Redvines for me, apple rings for Langston and Elise, gummy bears for Giao, and milk chocolate for Kiefer.

On Memorial Day, we headed to Pt. Reyes.

Did you know that there are a bunch of operating dairy ranches in Pt. Reyes? Who woulda thunk it? It is so beautiful there. The landscape just takes your breath away. I really can't believe we've never visited before but we will definitely make many return visits here.

Our first hike was right off the visitors center. A nice, short walk to a replicated Indian village.

With tipis and all.

This is a family sweat lodge ( does anyone know what that is?). It looked more like something out of the Shire.

Our second hike was to Mc Clurg's Beach.

So typical of me to go and ruin a cute picture by blinking!

A nice lady offered to take a family pic for us.

Old married couple:

As we were leaving Pt. Reyes, we spotted these beauties. They look so magical out there in the fog enshrouded field.

What a way to kick-off our summer!
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