I was introduced to the wonderful game of Monopoly by a neighbor of ours when I was probably 7 or 8 years old and now I'm playing with my kids. We've played many times before, with me helping Elise a lot, but now she can read the cards and even count out her money.

Langston, Elise, and I had a good game going from the previous day. Elise had the most properties and houses on her monopoly but very little cash. Langston had a good amount of cash and owned a few properties. After resuming our game yesterday, we discovered that Elise "magically" had a big-ass stack of $500 bills in her pile that wasn't there when we stopped the other day. Langston and I just looked at each other and started cracking up. Elise sat there and tried her best not to look guilty.

We decided to start a new game. But, I had a toothache and a migraine and was in no mood to play. So, I told Langston to go do his homework. Twenty minutes later I hear "Mom, I'm done with my homework! We can play now!" To which I replied "I never said we were going to play Monopoly." I honestly don't remember telling him that I would play with him after he was done with his homework. I think I was secretly hoping he would forget about it. I told him "no" and that I had a headache. He was so disappointed. Then, I remembered back to when I was kid and how I would want to play Monopoly so bad that I would beg and plead with my sister to play with me. And, she would say no. And, I would be crushed. I knew Langston was feeling the same way. So, we set up the game and started over :)
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