This is how the conversation went.
Me: "Kids, what do you guys want to eat for lunch?"
Langston: "Let's go out to eat!" (This kid LOVES to eat out)
Kiefer: "I want Puh."
Daddy: "What are you? Korean?"
Kiefer: "Huh? What you talking about Daddy." (okay, he didn't really say this)
Daddy:"You're supposed to say yes."
Daddy and Me: LOL!
I guess you had to be there or 1. be Korean or 2. be married to a Korean.
Pho is seriously one of five things Kiefer will eat. He is that picky and he just doesn't have much interest in food. So opposite of his mommy, who is always thinking about what her next meal is going to be. :)While we were eating he started talking to Grandma and Grandpa about one of his favorite subjects. You guessed it! Dinosaurs! "T-Rex has a bad attitude. He eats people!" Ha!
On Sunday, we were at Ong Ba Noi's house when we were treated to this lovely commentary by our little rascal:
"Haha. Poo wut like hot dog! Haha. Hot dog. Tiny poop. Tiny, tiny poop. A pile! Wut! It's going in the hole!"
Sorry if this grosses you out but Grandma and I were thoroughly entertained from the kitchen.
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