Sunday, May 16, 2010

mother's day, etc.

The Saturday before Mother's Day, we were at Langston and Elise's swim team time trials when Giao gets a text from his mom saying that my father-in-law fell from his bike and broke his clavicle. Well, one broken clavicle turned into a broken clavicle, 3 broken ribs, and a punctured lung. It could have been so much worse if he wasn't wearing a helmet. Thank God he was wearing one. My mother-in-law updated her facebook, thanking Buddha. Haha! Most people I know would thank God but she thanks Buddha :)

I was exhausted from waking up early to get to the swim meet and spending 6 hours there, getting the right kid to the right event, drying off and warming up each kid after each event, making sure each kid had enough food in their tummies and enough sunscreen on their skin and making sure our 3-year old was entertained and happy. I took a 3 hour nap when I got home. Giao, being such a sweet daddy, helped Elise and her bff, Aubrey, set up their lemonade stand. They sold 5 cups of lemonade! One to Aubrey's mom, one to Aubrey's dad, one to Aubrey's brother and sister, and one to Langston, who saved himself 10 cents by bargaining with the girls. Ha!

That night we went to downtown Sac to see Giao's Dad in the hospital. A bunch of Giao's aunts and uncles were there, nieces and nephews, too. Not sure if it's a Vietnamese thing or if it's just Giao's family but, it's nice to see how the extended family always pulls together in times like these. I wish my family was more like this. Well, just sometimes. I'm sure my mother-in-law talked to at least 100 people on the phone that day. She probably loved it, but it would be a bit much for me.

On Mother's Day, I got my run in on the treadmill, showered and got ready to spend the day with my kids. I opened the gifts they made for me at school before heading off to South Sac for some Dim Sum. When we got to the restaurant around 1:30, it was so crowded that we decided to go to the Vietnamese restaurant we frequent, instead. We were all starving and needed to eat ASAP. We got some pho, fried pho with meat/veggie gravy, and meatballs with rice noodles. We enjoyed our meal but it wasn't exactly something I would have chosen to eat on Mother's Day. I would have chosen Korean but there really isn't a good Korean restaurant in Sacramento. Oh how I miss good Korean food! We then picked up a cake for Giao's mom and headed to their place. We spent the rest of the day there and had dinner at Giao's uncle house later that night. So, not exactly the Mother's Day I had envisioned for myself. But, considering my father-in-law's condition, we didn't really have a choice.

On the way home, I got a call from the anesthesiologist who was going to sedate Kiefer at the dentist's the next morning. I told him that Kiefer had a runny nose and was very conjested while sleeping. He told me to call him in the morning if I felt his condition did not improve. I did not sleep well that night. I kept having nighhtmares about the appointment. One being that we left Kiefer while he was getting the work done and then Giao and I got stuck somewhere and could not be there when he woke up. In the morning, Kiefer sounded the same, still very conjested. I called the doctor and cancelled the appointment. I just felt that he should be 100% if he's going to be put through something like that. We now have an appointment in June. I'm still very wary about the whole thing and may just cancel again and let his teeth rot and wait until he'll sit in a dentist's chair awake and unafraid.

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